Wheel Alignment

Your Local Wheel Alignment Experts

Check your wheel alignment regularly. This ensures your car’s on-road safety and can provide you with more miles for your tyres. Our team can offer you free advice on wheel alignments, brake pads and more. Our Sutton Courtenay Tyres team are your superior choice in Didcot. We even offer a Saturday service! Contact us today.

Car wheel tracking you can trust

Our friendly team of experts will adjust the angles of the wheels to the specifics of your vehicle manufacturer. We work with all manufacturers from Honda and Ford to luxury vehicle brands like Jaguar and Mercedes. With over 40 years of industry experience you can be sure that our team will take care of your car and offer you a friendly and efficient service. We’ll get your car back out on the road quickly because we know you need it.

Let us handle your wheel alignment

At Sutton Courtenay Tyres, your car is in the hands of professionals. We understand that we’re taking care of your car, your passengers' safety and our reputation. Our local garage service is well known throughout Milton Park and Didcot, where we’re conveniently located for clients. We offer a wide range of car care services.

Unbeatable Wheel Alignment Costs and FREE Quotes!

The handling of your vehicle is important. Let our team of experts take care of it for you. Call us on 01235 847 380.

One of our friendly team members will answer all your questions and book you in for a free consultation.

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